Saturday 4 May 2013

Ravelry treats....

Hello everyone...
Just a quick post this morning to let my lovely customers 
know that there is a 20% discount coupon
available over the Bank Holiday Weekend 
(ending midnight 6th May 2013 GMT)
for all purchases of single Pdf knitting patterns
in my Ravelry store
(you can use the coupon for multiple purchases of any single patterns)
These have proved to be very popular in the past
and the codes are very easy to use
Just enter
when prompted at checkout
(and I'm always available here
should you have any questions!)
Offer runs until
midnight 6th May 2013(GMT)
hApPy bAnK hOliDaY

Thank you so much everyone for your support
and for the kind messages, photographs
and heartwarming stories 
which are always so lovely to receive.
I have the best time

Back soon
