Friday 18 September 2020

🇳🇱 🐈 A new translation ...

A new pattern translation update today!

'The TEAROOM Girl Cat' PDF knitting Pattern
is now available to download in Dutch! 
(*Original version is written in English 🇬🇧)

'TEAROOM Meisjes Kat'

is available to purchase on

and here on the TEAROOM Blog
('Top - Down' Tearoom Dress above is also available in DUTCH)

Any knitters who have previously purchased the ENGLISH version
and would prefer the new DUTCH translation will qualify
for a free copy on request

Thank you too everyone who has joined our new 
'MJT Facebook Knitting Group'
... for all the lovely projects and for being so helpful 
in sharing tips and advice ..
If you'd like to come and join us you can find us

Happy Weekend

Back soon


(Original English version of the 'TEAROOM Girl Cat' is also available on LoveCraftsKnitting)

Visit Mary Jane's TEAROOM's profile on Pinterest.


  1. She's a pretty cat in all languages! 😻

  2. Why doesn't it surprise me? Creations like yours need to reach to the far corners of the globe!! keep well Amanda x

    1. Thank you Amanda...hope you're keeping well too lovely lady 💗

    2. All well too...and you? :-) keep well Amanda x
