Tuesday 5 January 2010


As this is the beginning of my life as a blogger I think it is a good time to tell you  a little bit about me and my knitting!

I have been knitting for almost as long as I can remember. I was taught by my mum who was such a gifted knitter and she patiently corrected the many mistakes which were to follow over the ensuing years!
I began knitting seriously in my teens and used to love calling into the small local wool shops to explore the new yarns and patterns. Sadly many of those shops no longer exist but my passion for knitting is stronger than ever.

When my daughters were very young I began knitting toys and eventually progressed to working from my own designs which I would later sell in small amounts.

My first pattern was OSCAR who seemed to appear from nowhere! I sat down one winter's evening with a design clearly in my head and started knitting. The design has changed very little from my first attempt.

I have a particularly soft spot for OSCAR to this day as he opened up a whole new and exciting world for me!

OSCAR was followed by PRIMROSE. She has proved to be a popular little rabbit designed in chalky pink colours. I decided that all my girl bunnies should be named after pretty flowers. My only exception to this is ANIKA one of my Lapland Visitors who I will introduce to you later.

PRIMROSE was followed by BLUEBELL who I always feel has quite a mischievous side to her character!
As with PRIMROSE she is wearing her Mary Jane shoes.

Of course there had to be a DAISY and I felt she should be in her best dancing dress......

.... and pretty dancing slippers with pompoms!
She has a small DAISY motif on the back of her dress and is wearing lacy bloomers.

Lastly, there are my little Lapland Visitors.
ANIKA and BO are twins and have been designed to complement each other.
BO arrived first as I thought it was time that there was another boy bunny on the scene and the design was very clear in my head before I started.
I made a few sketches and I was on my way.

BO was folowed by his twin sister ANIKA.
 I wanted sweethearts to be the focus of the design and I was extremely pleased with the outcome. She also wears warm red bloomers and Sweetheart Snowboots!
ANIKA and BO have proved to be a very welcome addition to the TEAROOM series.

ANIKA and BO together!

And so this is the story so far. ..
I hope you will come and join me on my journey
whenever you have a quiet moment
and read more of my tales from 
Mary Jane's TEAROOM.


  1. Best wishes for 2010 and your new blog Susan!

  2. Happy New Year Susan

  3. Welcome to the blogosphere Susan. I know it will be fabulous. x

  4. Happy New Year!

    I have just come across your blog via your Folksy shop (I am also a Folksy seller).

    You bunnies are gorgeous, I particularly love Primrose. Do you ever sell the bunnies themselves?

    Claire x
    My Folksy Shop

  5. Thank you for your lovely comment Claire! I have made my toys for sale for many years but at the moment I am concentrating on turning them into pattern format.

    Susan x

  6. I love the bunny patterns and having great fun knitting them...some child is going to love these if I can bear to part with them....

    Please keep thinking up new patterns....

    P.S. All good patterns seem to come out of UK!!!

