Tuesday 27 September 2011

Hello again!...

Hello Friends...

How is life treating you?

I hope you have had a lovely Summer....
There has been lots of activity here at the tearoom
♥ ♥ ♥
My 'siesta' seems to have lasted rather longer than intended though...
but for very good reasons of course!
I have been having a lovely time with my girls before they left
for university....
♥ ♥ ♥
You may remember that our eldest daughter flew the nest
just one year ago....to start her degree in Spanish and Portuguese....
(I am secretly hoping that she will translate my patterns one day)
Ashley has had an amazing year and we are so proud of her!
Now, (equally lovely!) daughter number two has left us to begin her degree and
we are bursting with pride once more as Leah is off to study medicine
and has begun the long journey to fullfill her dreams
of one day becoming a doctor...
I will miss their lovely company so much and look forward to their return...
but I am oh so proud and feel so lucky!!
♥ ♥ ♥
Amongst all this excitement, I have been working on my new pattern
which will be published in the next couple of weeks.
There is a little hint in the photograph!
It is based on our many lovely holiday memories of Cornwall
and I have had lots of fun designing these little people...
(Did I say people?)
♥ ♥ ♥
I have also put my mind to learning to use my embroidery machine
....and now a confession.....
I am already addicted my friends!!
...but one more won't matter, will it?
I have learnt to download and edit my software
and I have been told that my illustrations can be 'digitized'....
Although I don't understand this...it all sounds very exciting and amazing!
I shall tell and show you more as soon as I have launched the pattern
which is currently taking up most of my time
♥ ♥ ♥
Hmm...and what am I going to do right now?
Go on a journey through the blog world of course...
See you at yours very soon!
Hope you are able to enjoy some of this late
Summer sun
Beautiful, isn't it?


  1. It's so nice to have you back. Your girls sound wonderful. I can imagine how proud you must be. I'm looking forward to your new pattern as always.

  2. You must be so proud ... are you making pixies?

  3. Susan, it is fantastic to have you back! Thank you for sharing your news about your daughters. Yes, you must indeed be proud of them. When will you see them again?

    I'm looking forward to seeing your future patterns.


  4. so happy to see a post from you, my friend. wonderful news about your daughters, though i'm sure you miss them every minute of the day.

    can't wait to hear more about your adventures with the embroidery machine. your designs will be amazing digitized, susan.

    sending you lots of sunshine and brilliant blue skies.

  5. Welcome back from your break. It's good to come back refreshed after a break from something.

  6. Welcome back Susan, time really flies doesn't it. I'm glad you had a lovely summer...here's to autumn ;0)
    Jane x

  7. Yay..welcome back.. great to see you pop up in my inbox! I'm seeing a blue and white striped jumper with red trousers on someone (of course they are little people)... or is that a dress? Please don't leave the reveal for too long :)x

  8. Welcome back Susan! Lovely to see your delicious picture today and to hear your news. Well done to your two clever daughters. I'm looking forward to seeing your new pattern.
    Have a great week.
    Helen x

  9. Lovely to have you back! Am looking forward to hearing more about your embroidery machine, very exciting! I hope you have fun experimenting with it!! Have a lovely rest of your week Susan, enjoy the sunshine if you can! xxx

  10. Welcome back, sounds like you had a wonderful summer. My girl sophie's doing a language degree also, she spent 6 months in mexico for spanish & next week leaves for germany :(, not too far away this time, thank God.
    Best of luck to you girls :D
    Karen x

  11. Hi Susan, so glad you've shared a happy summer with your girls. Isn't it lovely to have 'children' that know what journeys they want to take in life. They might have to make alterations to the journey along the way but at least they have mapped out some sort of route. I'm presuming your younger daughter has missed the deadline for the dreaded student fees! I'm only thankful I don't have teenage children waiting to go to Uni. Sounds like 'mum' has been on a creative journey this summer. I can't wait to see what you've been working on. Well, the sky is blue and we have been promised sunshine for at least 3 days which I can hardly believe. We must enjoy it while it lasts. Take care, Eli x

  12. Happy that you are back!!

    Yes,you must be soooo proud on your daughter!


  13. Hello Susan, lovely to have you back, I have missed dropping into this happy little place! :)
    I'm sure you will miss your lovely girls but at least you know that they are doing what they really want, which is great.
    Looking forward to seeing your new pattern and of course your embroidery.
    Have a great week, it seems summer has returned!!
    Vivienne x

  14. Hi Susan, hope you had a fantastic summer with your very clever girls, can't wait to see what you've been working on, very exciting........as for me, between the crafty bouts, I'm enjoying the wonders of GCSE Physics and Higher Maths with my youngest home educated son. x

  15. Welcome back Susan. Have missed you blogging.So glad you enjoyed your siesta.
    Can't wait to see your new pattern.

  16. Welcome back! :o)
    Your creations are just precious and I can hardly wait to see what you are working on now. :o)
    I am having a little give a way.
    Would you like to drop by? :o)
    hugs. Trish

  17. Glad to have you back and congrats to your daughters.
    Looking forward to your new pattern - do I see red & white stripey legs and a blue & white Cornishwear-type jumper??.... I wonder!

  18. Welcome back Susan. So glad to see you back. You must be so proud of your lovely daughters and I am sure you will miss them lots. xx

  19. Hello, you're back! And with new patterns promised :) Life is good :D

  20. Glad you're back Susan & I'm looking forward to all your new projects x

  21. Welcome Back! Looking forward to seeing what you've been working on.

  22. Hello again! You must be so proud of your girls! Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I still can't forget the knitted undies and it's a few years since I saw that book! Em x

  23. Hi Susan, so good to see you back! Glad to hear you've had a great time. My oldest boy will start studying too in Okt. - a new phase is starting! We are lucky to be creative girls and have many projects to do. I think big kids like it, if their moms do something fun! Have a happy weekend dear!

  24. Happy dance that you are back my friend...I have missed you so. YOur sweet little photographs always make my day. I have tons of that blue cornish ware my friend...I must pull it out soon. Hugs and love. xoxoxo

  25. Figured out how to be a follower.
