Friday 8 April 2011

Candy Yarn Winner!

'Candy Bear Yarn Giveaway'
Oh my....lovely friends!
This has been a very busy Giveaway....
Thank you so much to everyone
who called by the tearoom to take part
and a great big 'Welcome!' to new visitors...
I do hope you will enjoy many more visits
to our little corner in the future
Well, Candy and friends are tap dancing
in anticipation here so I think we should move on
and name our winner!
The number drawn out from the
Random Number Generator is..

Congratulations to...


I will be in touch or if you read this first....
just email me your address details Leonora
and your yarn will be in the post!

If you missed out this time...
we have lots of fun prize draws here at the tearoom
so do call back again soon....

I will be back with more news shortly
because we have some new visitors here...
Everyone is so curious and excited!
 ...although our new friends are still a little bit shy...
Hope the sun shines brightly for you
 this weekend my lovelies....
there is such a beautiful blue sky
over our tearoom today

Speak soon....


  1. i hope, it is not the last candy
    congratuletion to Leonora

  2. I am hoping to run another yarn Giveaway with the new pattern....Susan x

  3. Well done and congratulations to Leonora, and thank you for such a generous giveaway, enjoying my visits to your lovely blog.
    lily x

  4. Meg Said..Congratulation's to Leonora :))and also a big thank you to Susan for running the giveaway...they are alway's beautiful items....looking forward to meeting the new pattern folk. Have a great day Susan the sun is shinging here today also... x x

  5. well done to Leonora, have fun knitting candy,
    thank you susan for having these givaways ,cant wait to see your new pattern ,any hint when it will be ,have a good day paulene

  6. Congratulations Leonora!!

  7. My congrats to the winner!

  8. I can imagine that Leonora must be so pleased! :) Congrats to her

  9. Yahooo for the blessed winner...thank you for having such a sweet giveaway my friend..weekend hugs to you. xoxoo

  10. Congratulations to Leonora. I like your sunny yellow lovelies, Susan, The scream Happiness.
    Have a loveliest of weekends, I plan on eating bunches of strawberries xxxxx

  11. Congrats Leonora! You must be over the moon!

  12. How exciting , a new pattern! I love knitting toys and I am looking forward to seeing your new design.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  13. I can't believe that I've been lucky enough to win such a very generous giveaway. Thank you Susan,and thank you to everyone else for their kind congratulations on my good fortune. I'm really looking forwards to meeting the new arrival next week. Love Leonora.XXX

  14. Congratulations Leonora!...Your yarn will be in the post on Monday...Susan x

  15. Congrats to the happy winner! Hey, your photo here came out really great! So lovely the blue wall in the background! Hope your weekend is fun!
