Saturday 1 January 2011

MJT wishes for a wonderful 2011...

Happy New Year
2011 all the friends of...
 Mary Jane's TEAROOM
I hope you have all enjoyed your
New Year
 Have you made any resolutions?
More importantly for me,
I have to say
 'thank you so much'
for your amazing support and friendship in 2010.
Since becoming part of this wonderfully crafty blog world,
I have found so many inspiring, new friends
and continue to learn something new every day,
which is endlessly exciting and truly enlightening at times.
There are just so many talented crafters out there!
I hope you will join me on my journey through 2011.
I will certainly continue to follow your blogs with great interest.
Personally, I feel completely energized and bubbling with inspiration!
What about you?
Is there a special project that you would particularly like to
attempt this year?
If so, I would love to hear about it.
A box full of loveliness
(and for once it's not chocolates!)
Speaking of new projects, 
 I received this beautiful yarn in the post yesterday morning,
At the beginning of each year, I like to choose a project
 that I can work on between my designs.
 This is always something special that I can carry around on my needles. 
 Once well acquainted with this pattern,
 I can just happily knit away using my ever changing array of colours
when I have those quiet, contemplative moments.
The many varying shades and quality of this yarn are truly unique
 and I can't wait to get started...
Beautiful shades and texture
Yes, my increasing addiction to colourwork continues and
  I will keep you updated on my progress with this project
and the several others I have on the go.
Well, variety is the spice of life as the saying goes!


Wishing you all good things in 2011

Susan x

P.S  My website may be down for a few hours at some time in the next few days
as the MJT Christmas decorations are stored away for another year.
Sadly, it has to be done.
But remember, a whole new year
 full of endless possibilities is awaiting!


  1. I hope to follow your new projects!
    Happy New Year Mary Jane!!!


  2. Thank you, Marlene!
    Best wishes for a wonderful 2011,
    Susan x

  3. Beautiful yarn! I can't wait to see what you make with it. My fingers are itching to get a knitting project started. Deciding is the hard part. There are so many I want to do, which comes first.

  4. Wish you a very happy New Year,to you and family,


  5. Best Wishes for 2011 - looking forward to reading your posts love Annie x

  6. Happy New Year to you! I love following your blog...some day I am going to win one of your give aways :)
    Love the colors of yarn you will be working with...lovely!!!

  7. Happy New Year Mary, wishing you a wonderfully creative and fun year. LOVE those new yarns, I'm trying to knit a hat for myself at the moment, hoping I will get it done while the weather is still cold so I can wear it! Hugs, Catherine x
